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1. Slidev
Presentation Slides for Developers
2. Serverless Next.js Component
Deploy your Next.js apps on AWS Lambda@Edge via Serverless Components
3. Prism
Lightweight, robust, elegant syntax highlighting.
4. medium-zoom
A JavaScript library for zooming images like Medium
5. Gestalt
A set of React UI components that supports Pinterest’s design language
6. KaTeX
KaTeX is a fast, easy-to-use JavaScript library for TeX math rendering on the web.
7. Rooks
Essential hooks to super charge your components!
8. colors.css
Better default colors for the web. A collection of skin classes for faster prototyping and nicer looking sites.
9. Draftail
A configurable rich text editor built with Draft.js. Draftail aims for a mouse-free, keyboard-centric experience.
10. Supercons
A friendly, open source React iconset
Stargazing 📈
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